Friday, May 14, 2010

A Bird's-Eye View

Today, I was talking with some of my co-workers about a bird's nest that was made right outside our window. There was a mama crow guarding her eggs and relaxing in the cool shade. That little bird reminded me of a incident that occurred a couple weeks ago.

I was riding the 66 bus downtown to catch my transfer when I got off at Stewart and
9th. I proceeded to walk down the street, passing a huge group of people waiting for their buses. I looked down for literally 2 seconds to change the song on my iPod and when I looked up, a pigeon was coming straight towards my face! There was no time to react! The pigeon flew straight into my forehead!! I began to scream and wipe my face off frantically. Everyone at the bus stop starting laughing and pointing at me! After I stopped freaking out, I looked down to see the little flying rat that hit me and to my surprise, it was totally deformed. One leg, one eye and missing more than half of its feathers! GROSS!!! Needless to say, that was extremely embarassing and I will now keep my eyes forward downtown : )


  1. Icky! I hope you don't have a bird-shaped bruise....though to be fair, I would laugh, too if I saw that happen to someone :)

  2. GROSS but that story totally made my Friday. At least it wasn't poop! Thats the silver lining :)

  3. Okay, now that sounds like a bad dream. You held it together better than I would have. Birds-yuck, yuck, yuck...scary little things.
